Home SuiteQL: Useful Tables

SuiteQL: Useful Tables


The SuiteQL series is coming to an end. I have attempted to write somewhat in order with each post building on the previous one. By now you should have a good understanding of what issues you may encounter when using SuiteQL and how to solve them.

In this post I will talk about some tables that aren’t complicated enough to warrant their own post but are still invaluable for writing queries.

I’ll add more tables as I think of them.


This table is a great way to get the current quantity on hand in NetSuite.

Here are the columns you need to know about:

Column NameDescriptionType
itemThe internal id of the iteminteger
locationThe internal id of the locationinteger
quantityonhandThe quantity on handfloat
quantityavailableThe quantity availablefloat
statusThe status of the itemstring
binnumberThe internal id of the bininteger

There’s some more columns; I suggest you look at the query tool to see if you need them.


This table can help you get account information.

Some columns you may find useful:

Column NameDescriptionType
idThe internal id of the accountinteger
acctnumberThe account numberstring
acctTypeThe account typestring (You may want to use BUILTIN.DF)
balanceThe account balancefloat
fullnameThe full name of the accountstring
displaynamewithhierarchyThe full name of the account with the hierarchystring

Dig around to see what else you need.


General information about bins. This table is especially useful if you use WMS (Warehouse Management System). You will need to look at the query tool to see what columns you have available.

Column NameDescriptionType
idThe internal id of the bininteger
binnumberThe bin numberstring
zoneThe internal id of the zoneinteger
… Custom fields
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

SuiteQL: Transaction Line Mainline

Blog Update - April 10